Share The Love
It doesn’t get more empowering than this babe! A positive mindset is the perfect self improvement investment you could ever gift to yourself. The transformative powers of embracing a positive mindset to attract wellness, abundance and positive manifestations within every aspect of our lives starts with our energy.
Scientists and quantum physicists are proving that the concept of mind over matter exists. Spiritual wisdom gurus have understood this creation aspect since the beginning of time. And now more than ever in modern times, people that are not experts in these fields are tapping into the truth that we are powerful creators of our reality.
Our mind’s thoughts, spoken words, and writings help to manifest the world that we co-create into existence, but there is more to this manifestation recipe than the workings of the mind. Now is the perfect moment to encompass the wisdom to make your life better than ever by exploring how mindset, especially fueled by intense emotion, impacts our manifestations.
This is where people become tripped up, confused and even skeptical about whether or not the law of attraction works or exists. As people are reflecting on what is happening in their individual lives and feeling like their prayers are not being answered yet, you have to wonder where their emotional journey fits into their process.
It might sound like magic to some, and some may not believe in magic. But those who don’t believe in magic may very well never experience it. And what a shame for those individuals to miss out on a deeper understanding of the experiences of miracles, blessings, and our truest potentials of inner beauty.
Choose a higher vibration of love for a more positive life experience
Simply put, the more positive energy that you create in your mind, thoughts and words… the more positive your life will be. The same goes for negative energy babe, so be kind to yourself and the world around you, because the saying “You reap what you sow”, is a perfect example of this.
Your cursive creates curses, your spelling casts spells, and the programs you watch programs your mind, so choose wisely and choose a higher vibration experience.
What is high vibration?
Love! The highest vibration is love! Gratitude comes in as a close second but in the grand scheme of things gratitude is categorized as the energy of love.
I’m not talking about the kind of love where you’re lusting over a lover. Though that is an aspect of love, I am painting a picture of a broader view of love.
Love as a feeling in an expression of vibrating, a butterfly tickling, a sense of peace, or a deep meaningful state of appreciation. Sometimes moments like these feel like a flush that overcomes the emotional body like a wave breaking over the shore’s sand.
Happy tears in the gasp of the beauty of love and life is one of the most profound ways to vibrate higher and manifest faster as you are taking the love frequency into its deepest depths of emotion. The more power we have behind our emotions results in our thoughts to become more powerful into a quicker manifestation.
Love attracts more love. Fear attracts more fear.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
In contrast the lowest vibration is fear. One of the best quotes of advice of all time that I remind myself of regularly is, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”, by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
When the collective consciousness understands to choose expressions of love over fear, that is when the world, the universe and all its inhabitants win.
Conscious versus unconscious thinking
Think mindfully!
Humans run on a mindset that was programmed into their subconscious mind most prominently developed starting in the womb up until age 6. That is where our unconscious thinking stems from.
The unconscious is the vast sum of operations of the mind that take place below the level of conscious awareness. The conscious mind contains all the thoughts, feelings, cognitions, and memories we acknowledge, while the unconscious consists of deeper mental processes not readily available to the conscious mind.
– Psychology Today
Now that I am an adult, I can reflect back and see why I choose to say certain words or do certain things based on my childhood experiences. Children are like a computer program and the developers are whoever influenced that child during those important subconscious mind developing years.
Though we all have been programmed, we have the choice to break through those programs of limited belief systems and access a better understanding of how to reprogram our mind into a more mindfully conscious lifestyle. It takes a deep desire of wanting to improve our lives to really acknowledge and practice mindfulness as a self improvement art form.
Bask in love rituals
Inspired to cultivate more love in your life, into the universe and in your manifestations? Welcome to the club! Here are some rituals to implement into your lifestyle to help guide the way.
Ritual 1
Lead with love vibes
It’s the small choices we make everyday that shape the bigger picture.
As you move through your day, ask yourself in situations, especially in difficult moments, “Am I leading with love?”.
Or maybe we find ourselves engaged in a situation where we are leading with fear or an expression of fear, like hate or anger. Ask yourself, “Am I leading with love?”. This can be extremely challenging in some situations, but it is a great step to take in the right direction of leading a life with the presence of love.
As each day progresses and you make each and every decision of what to do next, ask yourself, “What choice now leads to more love vibes”.
A good example of how I apply this concept into my lifestyle is when I make the choice to take a drive that feels better energy whenever I can. I know that I feel best when I take the 10 minute longer route with the serene vibes of gorgeous nature and barely a car in sight, rather than choosing the frantic energy of the highway for a next phase in my day.
On my best days I am mindful of my thoughts and where I am projecting my attention and energy while driving regardless of being on a serene route or hectic highway. I have choices. Am I getting lost in thoughts of how irritating the tailgater is behind me, or am I choosing to brush it off and focus on the positives of that moment in time? I win when I choose to focus on how stunning the sunrise looks peaking over the horizon of the mountains and the beautiful sounds of my daughter engaging in conversation while acknowledging how her precious young years are fading away so fast.
Choosing the route to bask in the love of the moment and pull aside to let the negative energy within the very same moment literally pass by with a smile on my face, instead of perhaps an older unconscious behavior to flip the bird out the window.
The act of choosing to focus on the bright side in any situation is powerful, though not always easy.
It is moments like these where we should look into that little rearview mirror and reflect into our eyes with kind words, “Look how far you have come, thanks for choosing love”.
Ritual 2
Do more of what you love with intention
Take the time to feel and express love as often as possible every single day in some way. Align your schedule with happiness by including the right people, places and things into your life. This ritual invites you to look deep within yourself to ask and honor who and what lights you up.
People I love to love
Write down 5-10 people that make you feel positive vibrations of love.
Be inspired to think outside of the box with this. Choose people who make your cheeks hurt from smiling. It can be a lover, family member, new friend, lifelong bestie, cafe barista, a stranger playing the guitar in a park or even an animal that you connect with on a deep emotional level. After writing these positive influences down, pull out your datebook calendar and schedule time to connect in love with each of them. Go on an adventure, see each others faces on a facetime call, or even write them a letter of gratitude and express what they mean to you.
If you feel that you do not have connections with people like this in your present situations in life… Move on to the places I love to love and the things I love to love rituals as I believe you will find your tribe there.
Places I love to love
Write down 5-10 places that fill your heart with joy and appreciation.
You can think big, yet remember that the more places on your list that are frequently accessible to you will offer more potentials to tap into.
The most within reach place to meet your truest self is in meditation and it can be the most powerful place to go to explore a deeper understanding of joy, peace and love.
Nature is another place that can ground us into love, like a garden sanctuary, your favorite spot leaning against a tree in the park, or even daydreaming about a vacation destination on your bucket list.
Oh the places we can go to feel love… A cafe coterie, a yoga studio, in an immersion of an essential oil salty bath, or a simple moment of solitude laying in bed.
This is such a personal touch that is unique to you to be a gentle reminder of where you belong more often.
Things I love to love
Write down 5-10 things that light you up and make you love a moment in time, love the miracle of life, or most importantly, love yourself.
Anything that stimulates laughter deserves a prime spot on your list. A movie that makes your belly hurt from laughing, picture Jim Carrey in ‘Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls’ being birthed out of the fake rhino. Ah, the 90’s were the best!
If you spend a lot of your time scrolling social media and just love it, save a collection of videos or posts that make you cry from laughing so hard. Title the collection “I am love” or “Good Energy” and tap into the collection to tap into the energy.
Some of my favorite things that help me to celebrate the vibes of love are my treasured quartz crystals that decorated my wedding reception, pictures of my children, the incredible life enhancing explorations of the Gaia Network, the gorgeous hue and taste of a dry Provence Rosé, my favorite DJ’s playlist that I can’t sit still too, and of course my on demand robot foot massager.
What are your go-to mood boosters? A dreamy book, a bike ride exploration, a favorite record, a family heirloom, a comforting tea, or maybe even a sage ritual?
Your list of treasured items deserve to be placed in a spot that you can see and appreciate its presence of love everyday. Or engage with your noteworthy things at whatever frequency makes the best impact to fill up your cup of love.
Ritual 3
Energy vampire cleanse
Let’s take a peek into people, places and things that do not serve positive energy for our lives. Energy vampires that suck the life out of you and even worse attach their negativity into your energy field which can bring you down.
It’s time for a cleanse!
Always remember that your inner peace is a high price to pay and not something worth giving up. Only you know what makes the most sense logistically and morally for you.
Write down the energy vampires in your life and intentionally spend time and energy away from them as much as possible. Sometimes energy vampires can be very close to your life, like a family member. So perhaps the best course of action is to be more strategic. Think about the situations or places or time of day that bring out the worst moments in your energy vampire and stay clear from them during those times. Consider where and when your energy vampire might be in their own happy place and try to engage there.
You will be surprised how this one change can literally change everything.
Sometimes we ourselves can be our own worst enemy when it comes to negative energy inside of our energy field and yes, we are working on that! Remind that little voice in your mind that what other people say or do is more about them and not so much about you. So be kind to yourself.
Also be mindful when that little voice in your mind is disappointed and expects more out of you, whether it is more productivity or more materialism. Instead of feeding into low vibrational thoughts. Try to find peace by just being in the present moment. By just being exactly who you are at that moment.
Let’s understand that there are infinite potentials available for us and that every now moment we are making choices either consciously or unconsciously about how we will experience our external reality or our relationship with the external reality that’s always going to be a mirror reflection of what’s going on with us internally.
– Lori Spagna | Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019 – Ascension Now Panel: living in the 5D – Personal and Planetary Ascension
Be yourself, express love to the fullest and anyone who isn’t meant to be in your life in your fullest most vibrant expression of love doesn’t deserve to be there. Your tribe, the good vibes tribe, will attract to you.
Ritual 4
Live your life as a moving prayer
This is a lifestyle move. An ever-evolving habitual ritual, a moment to moment practice, and a constant dialogue between you and the quantum field.
There are two authors that lend noteworthy examples on how to implement this empowering connection as a lifestyle.
When we make our life one big moving prayer, we move into a space of constant connection. There is no space that prayer begins and ends. We are in constant communication with life itself . You don’t need to get on your knees to pray, you can do it while you are walking down the street, washing the dishes, filing your nails, giving a presentation, or riding your bike. It can be a simple chat, a plea for help, an expression of gratitude, a request for guidance, or putting in your order for what you’d like to experience next. Prayer doesn’t have to be reciting words out loud. It can be thoughts and wishes, cries and silence, confessions and requests, gratitude and wonder. It is merely reaching out to something beyond our separate human self.
– Light is the New Black By Rebecca Campbell
In the book ‘Help, Thanks, Wow’, author Anne Lamont defines three essential types of prayer.
Devotion to a moving prayer can be a wondrous way to explore each and every moment of the day with a mindful approach towards manifesting a positive mindset and life.
Ritual 5
Journal love and appreciation pages
Writing down your thoughts in a journal is very powerful to help your manifestations come to fruition. It is a form of a very focused meditation and even considered a channeling of your own deep inner wisdom and intuition.
One of my personal favorite journaling practices known as appreciation pages I learned from Esther Hicks. The concept of writing pages daily packed with love letters to the universe of what you appreciate about people and places has the power to attract more things, people and circumstances that are worthy of their own dedicated appreciation pages.
I giggle at the thought of someone discovering my little appreciation journal and skimming through the pages filled with fluff and magic in LaLa land of positivity. Though I’m sure it will be less embarrassing than learning that my first serious ex-boyfriend’s mom and sister read my very personal unlocked diary cover to cover, revealing the juicy details of how I lost my virginity to her son. Sigh!
Let’s forget about that trip down memory lane.
Focusing on now and moving forward, here are some good vibes manifestation wisdom from the words of Esther Hicks herself.
In a notebook, list what you appreciate about the people in your life. At the top of each page, add one name, and fill the rest of the page with what you appreciate about that person. It is always easier to do this with those you already like. If you are having a hard time with someone in your life, list some other qualities about them that you appreciate. She may have never treated you well, but she may have a great sense of style. Perhaps he is a successful businessman even though he sucks as a boss. I know it’s really hard to list anything about people who have hurt you, but what you will find is that as you begin to list their good qualities, you will begin to have better experiences with them. The point of this exercise is not to keep people you don’t want in your life. On the contrary, it’s to help you release them from your experience and bring more of what you do want. The intention is to get you into the habit of noticing more good qualities in others, which ultimately results in pleasant experiences with them.
– Author and Spiritual Teacher Esther Hicks
Ritual 6
Heart brain harmony aka heart brain coherence meditation
If there was ever an easy and quick meditation to add into your life that reaped the best results this is it! This simple little 3 minute 3 step ritual will help you to explore your inner beauty to your fullest potential with rewarding health and mind benefits that are scientifically proven. Take a deep dive into the science and profound benefits of Heart Brain Harmony | The Benefits and How To Achieve Heart Brain Coherence.
Ritual 7
Milk the love for all it’s worth
Seize the moment of connecting with love by basking in the love and milk it for all its worth. Hold on to it as long as possible. Allow yourself to dive deep into the feeling of love and appreciation. Don’t move on to the next task or the next feeling.
Stay right there in love, invite your mind and heart to feel it even deeper, even longer. Breath in love deeply and fully. Crying in a feel good moment of love is a win.
Induce love longevity with a hug. Hug more often and hold the hug longer than ever, be the last one to pull away.
Feel the serotonin rise!
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Elevate Your Life with a Daily Morning Ritual of an Empowering Message
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